Department of Missions and Cultural Relations

The department was established on 12/24/2014 as one of the most active departments in the university, it works on preparing a plan for academic study leave for both university employees and academics who wish to study inside or outside the country for better academic achievement and a better diploma.

The department deals with hosting professors from outside the country within the framework of cultural exchange program in terms of developing modern study methods and curricula, lending faculty members to the Universities outside country, conducting evaluation procedures for certificates of university employees’ envoys after completing their studies and preparing a database for them besides  establishment of units or departments in the colleges run by Department of Cultural Relations and missions to coordinate and communicate with other scientific departments and divisions.


  Scholarships Department seeks to organize activities that represent a gateway to Al- Iraqia University’s openness to Arab and International Universities through the conclusion of agreements and memoranda of understanding related to cultural and scientific exchange and participation in Arab and international seminars and conferences, which contribute to develop the university and its proper advancement as a civilized scientific institution that contributes to the development of Country



 1- Preparing an advanced cadre of the university’s faculty and staff by activating scholarships and fellowships and facilitating the procedures.

2- Sign agreements and memoranda of understanding with sober universities.

3- Join international scientific organizations and unions.

4- Following up students studying outside the country from among the university’s affiliates step by step until they graduate and return to their job.

Tasks and Duties:

 1- Concluding agreements and memoranda of understanding with Arab or international universities.

2- Preparing a plan for study leave for the university’s faculty members or employees wishing to study outside or insideCountry for postgraduate degrees.

3- Hosting teachers from outside the country for cultural exchange with regard to developing modern teaching methods and curricula.

4- Sending or exchanging university teachers abroad.

5- Carrying out procedures for evaluating the certificates of scholarship students abroad who obtained higher degrees after completion of their studies.

6- Preparing a database for students studying outside the country who are affiliated with the university.

7 – Establishing divisions or units in the faculties of the University affiliated to the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations in order to coordinate and communicate with the scientific divisions as the rest of the departments.

It is the division that has task of identifying the university and its colleges’ need of scientific and academic specializations and sending distinguished students to universities according to these specializations to fill the shortfall in the university and colleges, follow-up on scholarship students, and coordinate with official departments to conduct studies and determine needs, evaluating the results of scholarship programs and receiving names of candidates for Arab and international universities within the scholarship channels (scholarship, fellowship, special fellowship, study leave, missions of the Supreme Committee for Development of Education in Iraq) decided by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations to obtain degrees (bachelor’s) Higher diploma, master’s or doctorate) to complete dispatching procedures.

The department also deals with delegating and grants granted to Iraq by Arab or foreign countries and notify all university affiliates or students, then nominating university affiliates or students from applicants for these fellowships or grants and submitting them to Scholarships Department And relations, mentioning that their nomination is in accordance with the controls and instructions specified in accordance with the Scholarship Law No. 3 of 2018, and it coordinates with the Higher Committee for the Development of Education in Iraq affiliated to Presidency of Council of Ministers

 to facilitate and organize the tasks of our university’s scholars who have been nominated to occupy seats.

Controls and procedures for nomination for scholarships

(شروط التقديم للبعثات الدراسية )
1_ إن يكون المتقدم حاصل على شهادة الماجستير أو الدبلوم العالي (سنتين _المعادلة شهادة الماجستير)
2_إن لا يقل معدل المتقدم عن (70) وان لا يزيد عمره عن (45) سنه
3_إن لا تقل خدمة المتقدم ( الموظف ) عن سنتين باستثناء المشمولين بقرار رقم (518)لسنة 1986
4_المجاميع العلمية المتاحة للتقديم ( الطبية ، الهندسية ، العلوم الصرفة ، الزراعية، الطب البيطري ، القانون ، الإدارة والاقتصاد المحاسبة حصرا )
5_الفئات التي لها الحق بالتقديم ( المتقدم الموظف المنتسب للجامعة ، المتقدم الموظف المنتسب لدائرة ضمن دوائر محافظة ديالى والغير موظف من سكنة محافظة ديالى )

(المستمسكات المطلوبة للتقديم للبعثات الدراسية )
1_ كتاب عدم ممانعة بالترشيح من كلية اودائرة المتقدم الموظف ، طلب خطي للتقديم بالنسبة للغير موظف ويفضل يثبت الاختصاص المطلوب في الطلب
2_استمارة التقديم بعد مائها من قبل المتقدم بكافة المعلومات المطلوبة
3_ وثيقتا البكالوريوس والماجستير بالدرجات بالغة الانكليزية مصدقة
4_ قرار تقييم الشهادة بالنسبة للدارسين خارجالعراق مع كتاب احتساب المعدل
5_ خلاصة خدمة موقعة ومختومة (للموظف)
6_ كتاب يؤيد شمول المتقدم الموظف بقرار رقم(518) لسنة 1986
7_ المستمسكات الثبوتية مع نسخة من جوازالسفر

(إجراءات الترشيح الأولية للمتقدم للبعثة الدراسية)
1_ في حال استيفاء المتقدم للشروط يتم استحصال موفقة السيد رئيس الجامعة أو السيد مساعد رئيس الجامعة للشؤون العلمية على ترشيح
2_ توقع استمارة التقديم من قبل السيد مديرقسم البعثات والعلاقات الثقافية و السيد مساعد رئيس الجامعة للشؤون العلمية و السيد رئيس الجامعة
3_ ينظم كتاب لبيان موقف المتقدم من المساءلةوالعدالة
4_ مفاتحة قسم الشؤون القانونية لغرض تنظيم تعهد عدم الانتساب للدراسات العليا والمساءلة والعدالة
5_ مفاتحة قسم الشؤون القانونية لغرض تنظيم تعهد بكون المتقدم غير موظف (للغير    الموظفين )
6_ تنظيم كتب بصحة صدور وثائق المتقدم ( البكالوريوس و الماجستير ) وتزويد المتقدم بكتاب دعم مالي  وهناك اجراءات الترشيح النهائية

برومو قسم البعثات والعلاقات الثقافية

Contact with department

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